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Metro Call‑A‑Ride No-Show Policy


The mission of Metro Call‑A‑Ride is to provide curb-to-curb, or in some cases origin to destination, paratransit service in the City of St. Louis and in St. Louis County, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for paratransit services.

Metro Call‑A‑Ride service is offered with advance reservations to the general public and to persons who have disabilities that prevent them from being able to use MetroBus and MetroLink. To encourage responsible trip scheduling and use, the ADA allows public transit systems to establish and enforce a Late Cancellation and No-Show Policy.

The Late Cancellation and No-Show Policy and procedures for Metro Call‑A‑Ride were developed in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) guidelines for ADA complementary paratransit service.

Metro Call‑A‑Ride is important to the passengers we serve. Customer No-Shows create disruptions and delays that inconvenience other riders, as well as cost taxpayers thousands of dollars each year. The purpose of the No-Show policy and procedures is to monitor and address the negative impact of customer No-Shows on Metro Call‑A‑Ride’s ability to perform its mission.


A customer will receive a No-Show Infraction if the operator arrives within the pickup window and the customer fails to board the Metro Call‑A‑Ride van within five (5) minutes. The pickup window is the 15 minute period before and after the scheduled pickup time.

A No-Show Infraction occurs when:

  • There has been no call by the customer to cancel the scheduled trip
  • The vehicle arrives at the scheduled location within the pickup window
  • Metro Call‑A‑Ride notifies or attempts to notify the customer that they have arrived.

Additionally, while cancellations are accepted anytime, cancellation of a scheduled trip made less than two hours before the trip will be considered a No-Show Infraction.

All Metro Call‑A‑Ride customers must be ready during the entire thirty (30) minute pickup window for a scheduled trip. The van will arrive during the pickup window and the operator can only wait for five (5) minutes before leaving for the next scheduled pickup.

No-Show Infractions that are out of the customer’s control will not be counted as such.


Metro Call‑A‑Ride customers will receive a warning letter for each occurrence of a No-Show Infraction up to and including a third occurrence. This is done so that the customer will have an opportunity to dispute the occurrence or adjust their riding habits. Metro will allow as many as two (2) No-Show Infractions in a 30-day period without consequence. However, when a customer has three (3) or more No-Show Infractions within a 30-day period, the customer will receive a Final Warning Letter. This letter will list each incident by date and time and will serve as the customer’s warning that their service may be in jeopardy. This letter will also allow the customer the opportunity to dispute the listed infractions, and provide proof of extenuating circumstances outside of his or her control. Customers are encouraged to contact Metro Call‑A‑Ride’s Customer Service Coordinator at 314.982.1505.

Metro Call‑A‑Ride will review the riding history of any customer who has received a Final Warning Letter with three (3) or more confirmed No-Show Infractions in any given 30-day period.

If a customer receives three (3) confirmed No-Show Infractions AND the number of confirmed No-Show Infractions is more than 10% of the number of trips reserved during a 30-day period, Metro Call‑A‑Ride will suspend their service for a period of one (1) week. Written notification will be provided to the customer with the proposed suspension dates along with information about how the appeals process works. Customers who repeat this pattern of No-Show Infractions, as explained above, during a consecutive 30-day period will be subject to a two (2) week suspension. The customer has the option to appeal any suspension by following the appeal process described below.


We continue to encourage you to call and discuss your No-Show Infractions and riding habits with our Call‑A‑Ride Customer Service Coordinator at 314.982.1505. This person may be able to help you avoid being suspended from the service as outlined above.

The Metro Call‑A‑Ride appeal process is intended to give a customer who has been denied service the opportunity to have their case heard by an official other than the person making the initial decision.


  1. Customers who wish to appeal a decision will have 15 days from the receipt of their suspension letter to appeal the decision in writing to Metro.
  2. Appeals will be heard and decided within 30 days of receipt of the request. While the appeal is in process, customers will still be able to receive transportation services until a final decision is rendered.
  3. Appeals will be heard by a panel that comprises of Metro’s Director of Workforce Diversity/EEO or designee, and two members of the Metro ADA Advisory Group.
  4. Customers who appeal have the right to speak in person on their own behalf and/or have others represent them (at the customer’s expense) at appeal proceedings.
  5. The determination resulting from the 5 appeal will be in writing and will be final.

Requests for Appeals should be made in writing to:

Metro Transit
Attn: ADA Coordinator
211 N. Broadway, Suite 700
St. Louis, Missouri 63102

Or fax to: 314.335.3419


RESERVATIONS: 314.982.1505

CUSTOMER SERVICE: 314.982.1505

ADA OFFICE: 314.982.1510


To register comments, complaints or compliments about Metro Call‑A‑Ride, MetroBus, or MetroLink ADA service, call 314.982.1406