St. Louis Area Foodbank's mobile pantry – Food on the Move – offers transit riders, area residents, and visitors fresh, healthy food, free of charge.
Food on the Move | St. Louis Area Foodbank

St. Louis Area Foodbank’s free Food on the Move program visits Metro Transit Centers in St. Louis City and St. Louis County throughout the year to help address food insecurity issues in the St. Louis region. The mobile food pantry will visit the following Metro Transit Centers:
- First Saturday of the Month
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Rock Road Transit Center, 7001 St. Charles Rock Rd., St. Louis, MO 63133
MetroLink: Red Line
MetroBus: #2 Red, #19 St. Louis Ave, #32 Dr ML King, #35 Rock Road, #64 Lucas-Hunt
- Third Saturday of the Month
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | North Hanley Transit Center, 4300 Hanley Rd., St. Louis, MO 63134
MetroLink: Red Line
MetroBus: #4 Natural Bridge, #34 Earth City, #47 Hanley, #49 Lindbergh, #61 Chambers Rd, #77 Village Square, #79 Ferguson-Clayton, #98 Ballas-North Hanley, #100 Hazelwood
- Third Tuesday of the Month
2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. | Rock Road Transit Center, 7001 St. Charles Rock Rd., St. Louis, MO 63133
MetroLink: Red Line
MetroBus: #2 Red, #19 St. Louis Ave, #32 Dr ML King, #35 Rock Road, #64 Lucas-Hunt
St. Louis Area Foodbank’s mobile pantry offers transit riders, area residents, and visitors fresh, healthy food for themselves and their families, free of charge. It’s equipped with three refrigerators and can provide fresh and shelf-stable food items. For more information, visit