ALERT: Modified MetroLink Service to Continue Until Further Notice | Limited Blue Line Service Read More!

Passenger Code of Conduct

To help ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of everyone who uses Metro Transit services, please comply with the following rules while riding on the system.

  • Pay the correct fare and have your ticket ready for display
  • Respect other passengers
  • Service animals are welcome
  • Use headphones and keep volume low to not disturb others
  • Food and drinks permitted in closed containers only
  • Shirt, pants/skirts and shoes are required
  • Do not lie down or place feet on seats
  • Do not disturb the operator unless there is an emergency
  • Do not be loud or unruly
  • No littering
  • No smoking, e-cigarettes or vaping
  • No alcohol or drugs
  • No hazardous, combustible or dangerous materials of any kind are permitted
  • No weapons of any kind are permitted
  • No soliciting

Failure to comply with these rules could result in citations, removal from the Metro Transit system and/or suspension of transit privileges through Metro’s Ride and Abide Policy.

Bi-State Development understands that certain disabilities may result in the unintentional violation of its passenger code of conduct and therefore will evaluate each potential violation on a case-by-case basis.

Ride and Abide Policy

An individual may be suspended from the Metro Transit system or any part of the Metro Transit system through the Ride and Abide Policy if it is determined they have engaged in prohibited conduct that violates the rules and regulations of the Metro Transit system; or whose conduct is determined to be unacceptably offensive, serious or malicious.

If an individual returns to the Metro Transit system during their suspension period, they may be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution.

The suspension period will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but follows this criteria:

First Offense – Suspension period of one day to six months | Second Offense – Suspension period of more than 12 months, up to permanent suspension of transit privileges.

Metro’s General Manager of Field Security may issue a suspension of transit privileges in excess of one year for the first offense where it is determined the individual poses an immediate and serious threat to the safety of the Metro Transit system.

An individual whose transit privileges are being suspended will be issued a written Notice of Suspension, which will include a description of the prohibited conduct that led to the suspension and instructions for requesting a review of the suspension. Every individual whose transit privileges are being suspended is entitled to a review.

Click here for more information about the Ride and Abide policy.