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November 1, 2017

Meet the 2017 MetroScapes Art Contest Winners

Ten local artists have been selected for the 2017 MetroScapes, a Metro Arts in Transit program that showcases local art at Metro transit locations. Their winning original artwork was selected from a group of nearly 150 submissions, which were reviewed by a panel of artists and art professionals. The winning pieces will be installed at more than 200 MetroBus shelters in the St. Louis region and will be on display for a year.

The winning artists and the titles of their works are:

• Derek Holland, Left Hand #2
• Valerie Hosna, Lotus Bud and Blossom
• Ellie Balk, STLMAP
• Rosa Nevarez, Sailor Goldfish Portrait
• Genevieve Esson, Reflections On Color
• Andrew Van Der Tuin, Ben’s Blue Bear
• Edward Taylor, Good Things
• Nancy Rice, Stargazing
• Brian DePauli, The BriZone
• Joyce McClain, Melancholy

Metro Arts in Transit is one of nine local arts organizations supported by the PNC Foundation through the PNC Arts Alive initiative, which helped fund the program.

“The quality of the art submitted this year was excellent, and it was not easy for the judges to decide. However, 10 pieces stood out from all of the others, and we are looking forward to sharing those artists’ unique styles that will no doubt improve the transit experience for the thousands of riders,” said David Allen, Director of Metro Arts in Transit. “We are very fortunate to have such a talented and diverse art community to showcase.”

The public will be able to view the artwork and meet the artists at a public exhibition and reception from
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, November 3, at Cortex Innovation Community inside the @4240 building.

“The Greater St. Louis arts community is very active with a wide selection of theater, dance and concerts,” said Michael Scully, PNC regional president for St. Louis. “Through PNC Arts Alive, we can contribute to the region’s outstanding cultural arts and support new and imaginative arts programs that help enrich our community and strengthen our local economy.”

PNC Arts Alive is a multi-year initiative of the PNC Foundation that challenges visual and performing arts organizations to put forth their best, most original thinking to expand audience participation and engagement.

About the PNC Foundation
The PNC Foundation, which receives its principal funding from The PNC Financial Services Group (NYSE: PNC), actively supports organizations that provide services for the benefit of communities in which it has a significant presence. The foundation focuses its philanthropic mission on early childhood education and community and economic development, which includes the arts and culture. Through Grow Up Great, its signature cause that began in 2004, PNC has created a $350 million, multi-year initiative to help prepare children from birth to age 5 for success in school and life.

About Metro
Metro is the operator of the St. Louis region’s public transportation system, which includes the 87 vehicle, 46-mile MetroLink light rail system; approximately 400 vehicle MetroBus fleet that operates on 83 MetroBus routes in Missouri and Illinois; and Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro is an enterprise of Bi-State Development (BSD), which also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport, the Bi-State Development Research Institute, the Gateway Arch Riverboats, and operates the Gateway Arch Trams and Revenue Collections Center. BSD also operates the St. Louis Regional Freightway.
