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May 15, 2023

Metro Transit Hiring Event Scheduled for May 20

[ST. LOUIS, MO/May 15, 2023]  Metro Transit will host a hiring event at the Brentwood MetroBus Facility (3000 S. Brentwood Blvd.) on Saturday, May 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On-site interviews will be conducted for MetroBus Operators, MetroLink Operators, Metro Call‑A‑Ride Operators and Traction Power Electricians, which are all eligible for special $2,000 signing bonuses. Interviews will also be available for dispatcher, fuel attendant and reservation clerk positions.

Candidates who want to learn more about these positions or apply online can visit WorkAtMetroSTL.com. Qualified applicants may receive on-the-spot job offers at the May 20 hiring event following their application and on-site interview. More than 100 job offers were provided to applicants at Metro Transit’s two recent hiring events in April.
