ALERT: Modified MetroLink Service to Continue Until Further Notice | Limited Blue Line Service Read More!
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September 6, 2019

MetroLink Work Scheduled September 9-14

Blue Line MetroLink passengers may need to allow a little extra time for their commutes this week as maintenance work along the light rail system may cause slight delays.

On Monday through Friday (September 9-13) from 8 p.m. to end of service, and on Saturday (September 14) from beginning of service to 8 a.m., MetroLink will operate on a single track at the Brentwood I-64 and Richmond Heights MetroLink Stations to accommodate track maintenance. Blue Line customers may experience delays of up to 5 minutes. Red Line service will not be affected.

For more information, visit the Rider Alert section on or contact Metro Transit Information by calling 314-231-2345 or 618-271-2345 or texting 314-207-9786, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

About Metro Transit

Metro Transit operates the St. Louis region’s public transportation system which includes 400 clean-burning diesel buses that serve 83 MetroBus routes in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Metro also operates MetroLink light rail vehicles on 46 miles of track serving 38 stations in the two-state area, and operates Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 122 vans. Metro Transit is a Bi-State Development enterprise.

