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March 16, 2012

Mobile Markets Pulling into Several Metro Locations

Dianne Williams
Director of Communications

Metro is partnering with Sappington Farmers’ Market to bring healthy farm foods to four Metro Transit Centers located in areas where nearby residents have little or no access to fresh fruits and vegetables. The Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market will sell affordably priced, fresh foods including locally grown foods when in season, once a week from the end of March through October. The Mobile Market will serve the Delmar Loop MetroLink Station, Riverview-Hall MetroBus Center, North Hanley MetroLink Station, and Emerson Park MetroLink Station. Representatives from Metro and the Sappington Farmers’ Market Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market Program will be available for interviews to talk about this exciting new project on March 20.

When: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 from 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Where: Delmar Loop MetroLink Station parking lot
660 Rosedale, St. Louis, MO 63112

What: Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market Preview Interviews and sample display of products

Who: Dianne Williams–Metro Director of Communications
Tim Woods–Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market Spokesman
**Please call in advance to schedule a live or taped interview window.

The partnership between Metro Transit and the Farm to Family Naturally Mobile Market will give commuters and neighborhood residents more convenient access to healthy fruits and vegetables produced locally and around the country. The Mobile Market, a community initiative program launched by Sappington Farmers’ Market, will sell foods grown or made on farms in the region such as eggs, vegetables, fruits, jams and jellies, relishes, and fresh breads. The Mobile Market will connect nearby residents and Metro customers to healthier food choices near accessible public transportation. More information on the Mobile Market can be found at and  

The Mobile Market will set up on the parking lots of these four Metro Transit Center locations:

Tuesdays 1-4 p.m.
Delmar Loop MetroLink Station located at 660 Rosedale in St. Louis

Wednesdays 9-Noon
Riverview-Hall Transit Center located at Riverview Drive and Hall Street in St. Louis

Wednesdays 3-5:30 p.m.
North Hanley MetroLink Station located at 4398 Hanley Road in Berkeley

Fridays 9-Noon
Emerson Park MetroLink Station located at 929 North 15th Street in East St. Louis, Illinois
