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September 17, 2014

New Transit Center to Transform MetroBus Service in North County

Metro transit is inviting MetroBus customers and the public to learn more about the new North St. Louis County Transit Center at three upcoming informal meetings. The new transit center, which is scheduled to open in fall 2015, will be located at 3140 Pershall Road between West Florissant Avenue and New Halls Ferry Road in Ferguson. The new MetroBus facility will feature an indoor passenger waiting area, public restrooms, concessions, and a free Park-Ride lot.

The new Metro transit hub will transform bus service in the North St. Louis County which is one of Metro’s fastest growing public transit markets. It accounts for 19 percent of MetroBus and MetroLink ridership.

Since North County MetroBus routes will change when the new transit center opens, the open-house style meetings will be an opportunity for customers to help plan and shape MetroBus service. There will be no formal presentations so Metro employees can talk with MetroBus riders about their transit needs in North County. Riders will be encouraged to discuss options on how MetroBus routes should connect with this new facility and the surrounding communities.

The dates, times and locations of the Metro meetings are as follows:

St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley Student Center
3400 Pershall Road
September 30 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

North Hanley MetroLink Station
4398 Hanley Road
October 2 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Riverview-Hall Transit Center
9021 Riverview Drive
October 7 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The second phase of the project will add a new maintenance facility for MetroBus vehicles and Metro Call‑A‑Ride vans. Federal funding must be secured before those plans can move forward.

About Bi-State Development Agency:
The Bi-State Development Agency/Metro (BSDA/Metro) is the operator of the Metro public transportation system for the St. Louis region, which includes the 87 vehicle, 46-mile MetroLink light rail system; 390 MetroBus vehicle fleet that operates on 75 MetroBus routes; and Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 120 vans. BSDA/Metro also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport and its surrounding industrial business park, and the Gateway Arch Riverboats, as well as operates the Gateway Arch Revenue Collections Center, the Gateway Arch Transportation System, and the Gateway Arch Parking Facility.
