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August 24, 2022

Central West End Elevator Temporarily Out of Service August 29 – September 2

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Photo of elevator and staircase at Central West End MetroLink Station

UPDATE: Construction work at the Central West End Station has concluded, and the elevator and staircase have reopened.

Construction work at the Central West End MetroLink Station may impact how you access the station next week. To accommodate construction, the elevator at the Central West End Station will be temporarily out of service from Monday, August 29, through Friday, September 2.

After the elevator reopens to service, the staircase from Euclid Avenue to the platform at the Central West End Station will temporarily close from Friday, September 2 through Sunday, September 4. The MetroLink platform will remain open throughout construction, and MetroLink trains will continue to serve the station.

Map showing an alternate path between the CWE platform and Euclid Avenue during construction

Instead of using the stairs during the temporary closure of the elevator, MetroLink riders traveling between Euclid Avenue and the MetroLink platform may take an alternate path along Children’s Place and an accessible walkway that connects to the east end of the MetroLink platform. Signs will be installed at the station to help you navigate the alternate path. While the staircase is temporarily closed over the weekend, you will be able to use the elevator to travel between Euclid Avenue and the station platform.

Both the elevator and staircase will be open and available at the beginning of service on Monday, September 5. For questions or assistance, please contact Metro Transit Information by calling 314.231.2345 or texting 314.207.9786, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Metro Lifestyle