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November 27, 2019

Enjoy Holiday Music at Six Transit Locations This December

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Update: The Dec. 16 performance at North County Transit Center is cancelled due to weather conditions. 

The sounds of the season may be coming to your commute this December.

Metro is hosting six free holiday concerts at transit locations throughout the region next month, featuring music from local caroling groups and musicians. Each 60-minute performance begins at 5 p.m. at the locations and dates below:

Monday, December 2  |  5-6 p.m.
5th & Missouri Transit Center
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Friday, December 6  |  5-6 p.m.
Shrewsbury-Lansdowne I-44 Transit Center
St. Louis Christmas Carols Association

Monday, December 9 |  5-6 p.m.
Fairview Heights Transit Center
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Monday, December 16 |  5-6 p.m. Cancelled due to weather conditions
North County Transit Center
Celia’s Yuletide Express

Thursday, December 19 |  5-6 p.m.
Civic Center Transit Center
Caroling St. Louis

Friday, December 20 |  5-6 p.m.
orth Hanley Transit Center
Temple Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith Choir

Metro Lifestyle