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January 31, 2020

Metro Transit’s New Contract Security Firm Starts in April

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new security uniformGlobal security firm G4S Secure Solutions will begin providing contract security guard services on the Metro Transit system beginning on April 1. Metro Transit is working with G4S to implement a mobile deployment strategy that is consistent with the mobile, on-board patrols currently performed by law enforcement and Metro Transit Security Specialists.

“Our transit riders are constantly moving around the region, and we want our contract security team to reflect the same mobility when they are on the Metro Transit system,” said Stephen Berry, General Manager of Public Safety at Metro Transit. “We want to make sure the transition to the new contracted security guard team is as professional and seamless as possible.”

When G4S security guards show up for work in April, you will immediately notice they will be wearing new high-visibility uniforms. You may already be familiar with the new uniforms – our Transit Security Specialists made the switch on January 20. With these new uniforms, they are easier to spot as they patrol the system, and provide a more visible and accessible security presence.

The contract with G4S Secure Solutions was approved by the Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners in December 2019. It was announced initially they would begin in February, but the date was adjusted to allow a more reasonable time frame for hiring, background checks and training of the guards who will be assigned to the transit system.

The new contract with G4S and the new, high-visibility uniforms are just two of the many changes to safety and security that Metro Transit has been working closely on with the East-West Gateway Council of Governments, WSP, regional elected officials, and Metro’s three professional police departments – St. Louis County Police, St. Louis Metropolitan Police and St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department. The group is in the process of finalizing a regional security plan that is scheduled to be completed next month.
