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August 22, 2024

Prepare Your Kids for Safe Commuting to School

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Young rider Emmanuelle holding a Ride On signAs parents, we’re always looking out for our kids’ safety, especially when it comes to their daily ride to school. Teaching them the essential guidelines for using public transit to get to school can help them travel safely and independently. Here are some important tips to prepare your kids for a safe and comfortable trip to school:

Plan Your Route
Familiarize your child with the bus schedule and routes. Make sure they know the location of their bus stop and their school so they can feel more confident navigating their way to school.

Arrive Early
Encourage your child to arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled departure. This will help them avoid rushing and ensure they catch their bus on time.

Stay Visible
It’s important for kids to wear bright or reflective clothing, especially in the early morning or evening. This makes them easily visible to bus drivers and other commuters.

Wait Safely
Show your child how to use designated crosswalks and sidewalks to reach the bus stop and to never walk in a traffic lane. Also remind them to stand back from the curb while waiting for the bus and avoid playing or running near the bus stop.

Boarding the Bus
Emphasize the importance of waiting for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching and allowing other passengers to exit to make boarding much smoother. Always enter the bus through the front door and use the handrail. Never run after a bus that has pulled away.

While on the Bus
For safety, always stand behind the yellow line and never in the stairwell while the bus is in motion. Sit quietly, keep aisles clear of bags or belongings, and be respectful to the driver and other passengers.

Stay Alert
It’s important they are aware of their surroundings and be prepared to exit when their destination approaches. Avoid distractions such as loud music or excessive phone use.

Exiting the Bus
Remind your child to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing and to use the handrail when exiting. Children should always wait for the bus to leave before attempting to pick up something dropped near the bus or cross the street, and they should never cross in front of or behind the bus.

Stranger Awareness
Do not talk to strangers or accept rides from anyone they do not know. They should notify the bus driver immediately if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

Helping your child learn these guidelines will help them become confident and responsible commuters. Let’s work together to give our children the knowledge and skills they need to travel around town safely and comfortably.


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