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June 15, 2012

Air & Space Museum Open House/Fly-In

Patti Beck
External Communications Manager

WHO: Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum, Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 64, and the Gateway Area Ultra Light Association

WHAT: Air & Space Museum Open House and Fly-In

WHEN: Saturday, June 16, 2012 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

WHERE: Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum
Located in Hangar 2 at Saint Louis Downtown Airport
2300 Vector Drive in Cahokia, IL 62206

WHY: If you love airplanes and aerospace history and are looking for something fun to do, St. Louis Downtown Airport is the place to be. Pilots are invited to fly into the airport and bi-state area residents can tour the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum and see the newest acquisitions and historic aircraft and early aviation exhibits. You can have your picture taken in the cockpit of an F-4 Phantom fighter jet and buy a ticket to go for a ride in a 1941 Waco biplane. Young children can “fly” in their own flight simulator. The museum will display some aircraft on the ramp between the hangars including the BD-5, three sailplanes, and a Curtiss Jenny reproduction trainer. You can check out the EAA 64’s aircraft projects and visit with local pilots flying their homebuilts, warbirds, and antique aircraft. There will be food available to purchase starting with a pancake breakfast and then burgers and brats are on the menu for lunch.

COST: Free parking and free admission. There is a charge to ride in the 1941 Waco biplane. Fly-in pilots will receive ramp parking and a fuel discount from Ideal Aviation FBO.

For more information, please contact Mark Nankivil at 314-603-3600.

St. Louis Downtown Airport is owned and operated by Bi-State Development Agency/Metro. It is the third busiest general aviation airport in the State of Illinois.
