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December 9, 2010

Federal Officials to Visit ARRA Project Site and Preview Additional ARRA Investments Coming to the Region’s Transit System

Dianne Williams
Director of Communications

December 9, 2010

WHO: Mokhtee Ahmad, Regional Administrator for Region 7, United States Department of Transportation, Federal Transportation Administration (FTA); Steven Engelhardt, Office of Congressman Lacy Clay; Brian Goggins, President, Byrne & Jones Construction; John Nations, President and CEO of Metro, and other Metro representatives.

Visit to the North Hanley Metro Transit Center, the site of the second project Metro has completed using funds from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA). While at the site, Metro representatives and officials from the FTA and Congressman Lacy Clay’s office will discuss the impact of the projects completed to date and the $35 million in additional ARRA transit investments coming to the region in 2011.

Monday, December 13 at 10:00 a.m.

North Hanley Metro Transit Center (First MetroLink stop east of Lambert International
Airport near the intersection of I-70 and Hanley Road)

In recent months, with $5.1 million in funding from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, Metro has successfully completed two separate projects that are enhancing our region’s transit system and creating jobs. On December 13, Metro representatives, officials from the FTA and Congressman Lacy Clay’s office, and others will visit the most recently completed project at the North Hanley Metro Transit center, to highlight the positive economic impact of these investments and share details regarding an additional $35 million in planned ARRA investments coming to the region’s transit system in 2011.
