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July 7, 2011

Metro Transit to Detour Four Bus Routes Due to Emergency Repair Work to the 18th Street Bridge

The following MetroBus routes will be affected by emergency repair work to the 18th Street Bridge in downtown St. Louis:

#04 Natural Bridge
#41 Lee
#97 Delmar
#70 Grand

These bus routes will detour around the bridge via 14th Street. The detour may slightly extend passengers’ commute time. The reroutes will be in effect until the bridge repairs are completed which is estimated to take approximately two weeks.

Customers can find updated information in the Rider Alert section of Metro’s website.  Metro Transit Information is also available to answer customer questions Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. From Missouri, call 314-231-2345 or from Illinois, call 618-271-2345.
