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October 20, 2015

Spruce Street Entrance to Stadium MetroLink Station Closed for Several Months

MetroLink passengers who use the Stadium MetroLink Station need to be aware that the south entrance of the station has been closed to accommodate the reconstruction of the Spruce Street Bridge. The south entrance from Spruce Street was shut down earlier today, October 20, and will remain closed for several months so work can begin to demolish the old Spruce Street Bridge and to construct the new bridge. During the temporary closure of the Spruce Street station entrance, MetroLink passengers will need to use the stairs and ramps on Clark Avenue at the north end of the station to access the Stadium MetroLink Station platform.

Built in 1935, the Spruce Street Bridge is approximately 36 feet long and needs to be completely replaced to address age-related structural issues. Bi-State Development acquired the bridge as part of the transportation infrastructure it received as part of opening the MetroLink light rail system in 1993.

To minimize the impact on MetroLink passengers, the bridge project is scheduled to take place during the St. Louis Cardinals offseason and when ridership is normally lower during the winter months. Thousands of baseball fans and stadium workers access Busch Stadium via the Stadium MetroLink Station during the baseball season every year.

The Spruce Street Bridge, as well as the south entrance to the Stadium MetroLink Station, are expected to reopen prior to the 2016 Cardinals home opener next April.

About Metro

Metro is the operator of the St. Louis region’s public transportation system, which includes the 87 vehicle, 46-mile MetroLink light rail system; 391 MetroBus vehicle fleet that operates on 77 MetroBus routes in Missouri and Illinois; and Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 120 vans. Metro is an enterprise of Bi-State Development (BSD), which also owns and operates St. Louis Downtown Airport and its surrounding industrial business park; the Gateway Arch Riverboats, as well as operates the Gateway Arch Revenue Collections Center and Gateway Arch trams. BSD also operates the Bi-State Development Research Institute and the Regional Freight District.
