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January 21, 2021

Temporary Changes to MetroBus Boarding Areas at Civic Center Transit Center on January 26

Some MetroBus riders will need to board and exit their buses at a different location at the Civic Center Transit Center on Tuesday, January 26, as work on the city sewer system will make the normal bus bay areas temporarily unavailable.

Temporary Changes for Tuesday, January 26

MetroBus riders who use the #30 Arsenal, #31 Chouteau or #73X I-55 Express MetroBus routes will board and exit the buses on 14th Street. Riders who use the #10 Gravois-Lindell, #32 Dr. ML King, #40 N. Broadway, #41 Lee, #74 Florissant, #94 Page or #97 Delmar MetroBus routes will board and exit buses on Clark Avenue.  Passengers impacted by the temporary relocation of their buses should allow extra time for their commutes that day.

The sewer work is scheduled to be started and completed on January 26, and all MetroBus routes will return to their normal bus bays on Wednesday, January 27. For more information, contact Metro Transit Information at 314-231-2345 (phone) or 314-207-9786 (text), Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Temporary Bus Relocation Civic Center Transit Center

About Metro Transit
Metro Transit operates the St. Louis region’s public transportation system which includes more 400 clean-burning diesel buses that serve 68 MetroBus routes in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Metro also operates MetroLink light rail vehicles on 46 miles of track serving 38 stations in the two-state area, and operates Metro Call‑A‑Ride, a paratransit fleet of 123 vans. Metro Transit is a Bi-State Development enterprise.
