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November 3, 2011

UPDATE: Building a Better MetroLink at UMSL South

Dianne Williams
Director of Communications

Metro will officially begin a new light rail improvement project on Monday, November 7 at the UMSL South MetroLink Station. The general contractor for the first phase of the project is R.V. Wagner, Inc. The cost of this part of the project is $1.2 million and is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The south section of the Park-Ride lot at the UMSL South MetroLink Station will be closed for the duration of the construction project which is scheduled to be completed in early 2013. Because fewer parking spaces will be available on the lot, MetroLink customers are encouraged to consider parking at the North Hanley or Rock Road MetroLink Stations.

MetroLink passengers can expect occasional delays and MetroBus shuttles during the construction period. Metro will inform customers in advance of those operational changes.
