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June 1, 2018

Flashback Friday

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A streetcar passes the Eugene Field home at 634 South Broadway in 1945. The home is the lone survivor of what were once 12 homes known as Walsh’s Row.

In 1934, when Walsh’s row was scheduled for demolition, Irving Dilliard wrote a passionate editorial in the Post-Dispatch decrying the planned demolition. This inspired two St. Louis businessmen to help the Board of Education save it.

Fun fact: Field’s father Roswell was the attorney who filed suit on behalf of Dred Scott.

Have a great weekend!


1 thought on “Flashback Friday”

  1. This cannot be 1934, as the streetcar in the photo was delivered new by St. Louis Car Co. in 1940. The date is not long after 1940 as the streetcar still has the next car light above the headlight. These were removed in the mid 1940s.

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