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August 30, 2017

Metro Goes Smoke-Free on September 5

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All Metro properties in Missouri and Illinois became entirely smoke-free on Tuesday, September 5.

While smoking is not currently permitted on Metro vehicles or on MetroLink station platforms, smoking of any kind, including the use of e-cigarettes, is prohibited at all Metro transit center locations, including:

  • Indoor waiting areas and outdoor areas, including bus shelters
  • MetroLink stations and platforms
  • Metro Park-Ride lots
  • Metro transit vehicles (MetroBus, MetroLink and Metro Call‑A‑Ride)

“We are creating a healthier environment for the transit riding public,” said Ray Friem, Executive Director of Metro Transit. “We encourage feedback from our Metro riders and they are telling us they want a smoke-free transit experience. When MetroBus service returned to the Civic Center Transit Center earlier this month, it officially became the first smoke-free Metro transit center location. In the past year and a half, we have been able to incorporate other customer-requested features like restrooms and indoor waiting areas into transit projects. We are listening to our riders and making changes as we can.”

Research shows that smoking can contribute to a wide variety of diseases and debilitating conditions, including cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, eye disease and autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, exposure to secondhand smoke has been shown to increase the risk of developing lung cancer or heart disease in non-smokers by 20 to 30 percent.

“It’s a startling fact, tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke kills almost half-a-million Americans every year. It’s the leading cause of preventable death in the country,” said Angie Wiseman, Executive Director of the American Lung Association in Missouri. “We applaud Metro for going smoke-free. This effort will make a dramatic impact to the health and well-being of the entire St. Louis region.”

Event at the Civic Center Transit Center

To help those interested in pursuing a smoke-free lifestyle, Metro and the American Lung Association have partnered to provide smoking cessation resources and information to Metro passengers.

Ambassadors from Metro and the American Lung Association will be at the Civic Center Transit Center in downtown St. Louis from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on September 5. They will be handing out materials so riders know about the new smoking ban and what resources are available to help them quit smoking and to transition to a nicotine-free lifestyle.

Metro Lifestyle

5 thoughts on “Metro Goes Smoke-Free on September 5”

  1. You can’t seem to choose the proper times to police the metro link to stop crime. How in the world do think you will be able to enforce the No Smoking policy? Your own contracted security smoke on the platform. Check the Wellston (eastbound) platform in the morning around 7am

    1. William, thank you for providing your comments regarding the no-smoking ban Metro plans to enact on September 5. We will make sure your comments regarding public safety are sent to Metro Public Safety for further investigation. We ask that in the future, you let Metro Public Safety know of any suspicious activity — including activity by guards — around the time it occurs so that we can address the issue in a timely manner. You’re free to reach Metro Public Safety any time by calling 314-289-6873.

  2. I strongly disagree with this new smoking ban. First of all, being a smoker, I enjoy having a smoke while waiting up to 30 minutes on my bus. I have to wait outside, in the open air and distance myself from others so as not to offend anyone. I do not feel this is bothering anyone.
    Whereas I understand the ill effects of smoking, I choose to smoke.
    Why not have a smoking area?
    And how do you plan on enforcing this smoking ban? Metro security do not have either arrest or ticketing authority. Do you plan on calling the Police aren’t they busy enough? Really, you can’t even stop people from being robbed or murdered on Metro property, so let’s stop people from smoking! I fail to see how Metro can expend monies on this effort, unless of course you’re planning yet another fare increase.
    But I know how things work, this comment really mean nothing to you. The policy is in effect and it’s a good thing, period.
    Metro is really pushing my limits. More and more I lean toward my options.
    Have A Nice Day

    1. Ricky, thank you for providing your thoughts regarding the expanded no-smoking policy Metro put in place on September 5. First off, all comments are logged and sent to the proper department for review and for improvement (if feasible). Your comment is important to us. It does matter. As for the smoking policy, it was put in place as a response to customer feedback like this. A majority of passengers wanted a healthier public transit environment. The no-smoking policy prohibits smoking at all Metro transit center locations, including: indoor waiting areas and outdoor areas, MetroLink stations and platforms, Metro Park-Ride lots and on Metro transit vehicles (MetroBus, MetroLink and Metro Call-A-Ride). You are free to smoke on public property (such as sidewalks). As for enforcement, Metro is enforcing its no-smoking policy through signage and verbal enforcement by our contract security guards and Public Safety Officers. We are also working with our police partners — St. Louis County Police Department, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department — to keep the system safe and ensure all Metro policies are followed. Thank you again Ricky for your comment — you have a nice day as well.

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