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October 8, 2010

Metro to Help Additional Area Seniors Sign-up for Reduced Fare Permits

With its service restoration scheduled for 2010 now firmly in place, Metro today announced plans to host a new series of Reduced Fare Permit registration events for senior citizens. Designed to help area adults 65 and older who want to take advantage of available discounts on MetroBus and MetroLink, the Reduced Fare Permit serves as proof that seniors are eligible to travel at a reduced fare.

Starting Oct. 12, senior citizens interested in obtaining a Reduced Fare Permit will have the chance to do so at numerous locations across the region. These registration events are being hosted by Metro as a way to reach out to seniors who may have reduced transit travel because of the service reductions that occurred during 2009.

“During the first round of reduced fare permit registration events, more than 4,000 seniors took advantage of the opportunity and signed-up for permits,” said Micah Wiles, Metro’s Marketing Coordinator.

Metro introduced the Reduced Fare Permit in 2008 in an effort to provide seniors with a standardized and convenient way to take advantage of the affordability and convenience of public transit.

“In today’s tough economy where many seniors are living on fixed incomes, it’s important that area seniors realize the reduced transit fare is a great advantage that comes with age, and we hope that many seniors will use this latest opportunity to obtain their Reduced Fare Permits,” Wiles added.

Obtaining a Permit is Free and Easy
Seniors who want to obtain a Metro Reduced Fare Permit will be able to sign up for one at various locations between Oct. 12, 2010 and April 2011.

Missouri Residents –Those 65 and over ride Metro for half fare with the Metro Reduced Fare Permit. The permit will be available at:

• The Downtown MetroRide Store located at 701 Convention Plaza (Corner of 7th and Washington inside America’s Center), served by the Convention Center MetroLink Station and the Downtown Trolley. The MetroRide Store is open between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, please call 314-982-1495.

• Mobile registration teams also will be coming to several locations in St. Louis City and County. Metro is currently reaching out to senior service agencies, retirement communities and other locations frequented by seniors to secure venues throughout the community where the Agency can host these sign-up events. Beginning Oct. 12th seniors will be able to find the most convenient location for them by checking and clicking on the “Senior Reduced Fare Permit” icon on the home page or calling 314-231-2345.

Illinois Residents – Those 65 and over living in select townships in Madison County and St. Clair County currently ride Metro free with their Senior Pass. The Senior Pass is available directly from the county transit districts.

• St. Clair County Residents can visit or call 618-628-8090.
• Madison County Residents can visit or call 618-931-7433.

Metro’s Reduced Fare Permit can only be obtained in person and seniors will be required to present a government-issued photo identification card which verifies their age, such as a driver’s license, passport, state ID card or Alien Registration Card. Metro will take the seniors’ pictures on site and the permit will be mailed directly to the seniors’ homes. The permits are valid for 5 years.

For more information, or to find the most convenient registration location, please call 314-231-2345, Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Representatives of independent living retirement communities or other senior organizations can also contact Metro to inquire about scheduling an event at their facilities.
