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March 24, 2017

Flashback Friday

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We’ll call today Station Wagon Appreciation Day here at the NextStop Blog. This shot was taken on Locust Street looking west. The ‘woody’ station wagon at center is moving south on Broadway toward Busch Stadium. In the distance you can see the Jefferson Hotel on Tucker Blvd. The year is 1974.

Note the First National Bank in St. Louis at left. In advertisements, the bank used to refer to their location as ‘Broadway, Locust, Olive & 6th’. I stepped outside a few minutes ago and tried to replicate the photo, (result below.)

Have a great weekend!


3 thoughts on “Flashback Friday”

  1. This appears to be near 6th and Locust. That’s where Woolworth’s was located. The bus pictured is a Bi-State bus from the 60’s. The back window appears to have been replaced; not the original design.

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