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January 30, 2018

Public Hearing Set for St. Charles Rock Road Safety Improvements

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The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is hosting a public hearing on Thursday regarding safety improvements on a portion of St. Charles Road Road from Interstate 170 to the St. Louis city limits.

Proposed improvements include pavement resurfacing and new pavement markings, drainage system improvements, and features that would better accommodate pedestrians and transit users, including added sidewalks, crossings, a dedicated bike lane and upgrades to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. This particular section of roadway includes the Rock Road MetroLink Station and is served by the #2 Red, #19 St. Louis Ave., #32 ML King, #33 Dorsett-Lackland, #35 Rock Road and #64 Lucas Hunt MetroBus routes.

Those interested in learning more about this project can attend the public hearing on February 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Normandy High School, located at 6701 St. Charles Rock Road.

No formal presentations will be made during the open house-style hearing. The public may stop by at any time and speak with MoDOT and consultant staff about the project.

Construction will be completed in two phases to address the aging pavement along the corridor. Phase I focuses on St. Charles Rock Road from I-170 to the St. Louis city limits and Phase II from I-270 to I-170.

Capital Projects

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